Friday, 24 September 2010

Back for good

It's been a while since I wrote any post and I've been quite busy with my life trying to sort out lotta things. However, through many decisions and sleepless nights, it is safe to say, things have been leveled out for now. I feel great to be back on track and hopefully (fingers crossed) I would have some time for myself to improve my skills and strengthen my portfolio.

Ok, let's get straight into what I would be doing for the next few weeks. First of all I would improve my Maya knowledge so expect lots of Maya projects. Then I would improve my art skills so again expect lots of sketches and maybe some digital paintings. Last is Zbrush, for now at the moment it is the most complicated application to use however through time and experiments I would most likely become great at it, so expect Zbrush in long term or maybe even in a month time. ^_^ Oh, and some graphic designs along the way. So tune in from time to time or better yet, set my blog as your home page. ^_^

So without further ado I would like to introduce my first Maya project "The New York Street". I would work on to the highest standard and quality. It is a project that was given to us whilst I was in University but I am eager to go back to it and start from scratch because I kind of forgot Maya by now.

Anyhow, here is a small preview of where I am with my "New York Street" project.

What is your moto in life?....

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Pocket Game for Cadbury

Click on the thumbnail to access eYeka
I have been a member on eYeka for couple of months and have received many emails of different competitions to compete in. I have finally decided to participate for the first time with eYeka for Cadbury's Pocket-Game competition. Please read on for further information about the contest.

Cadbury's needs your help to conceive THE new Cabdury pocket-game! They want you to invent a game that they can actually build and give away for people to play with anytime, anywhere.

Pocket-game is, simply, a game creation competition.

But not just any sort of game… a pocket-game.

A pocket-game doesn’t require technological wizardry, mobile reception, special glasses or anything else to make it playable… it’s an instant game in the palm of your hand, kept in your pocket.

Perhaps it’s a bit like a cross between the most amazing Christmas cracker game you’d ever find, that game you carried around everywhere when you were a kid and the joy of playing conkers or battling with spinning tops……but of course, it’s hard to tell exactly what it’s like as you’ve still got to invent the games.  You can use dices, normal cards or ones you make, you can innovate on existing mechanics or start from scratch ( harder but probably better to win;) . Be sure to be innovative and most of all, make it fun!

- Pictures, designs, sketches, drawings accepted
- Explain your concept on the same document: add some text!
- Games must be ‘pocket sized’ to qualify
- They must be for two or more players
- Submit your creation on one document / page

1st Prize: £3000
2nd Prize: £1000
1st to 10th Prize: (the shortlisted entries): a special goody bag from Cadbury

If you are interested and want to participate you would need to download the Official Brief, which you can acquire it from here that includes every information you would need and want.

Also don't forget to read the Guides and Rules before you submit the wrong type of game.

So Good Luck to whoever will be participating in this competition and look out for any updates about the progress with my version of pocket-game. ^_^

Peace !
Baja :-)

Monday, 24 May 2010


This is truly one of the best shorts I have ever seen and hopefully this is truly the beginning of many other amazing shorts to come and hopefully develop into a full feature film.

"Azureus Rising is the proof-of-concept for an all new feature film trilogy. Azureus is the story of a young man who after escaping death and enduring a life changing journey - matures into a heroic freedom fighter. Azureus Rising is an epic tale of self discovery, obligation and love against all odds."

To see the video in its highest quality, make sure you select the 720p HD version.

Enjoy and endure the moment

If you really liked the above video, here is a link to their official website and inside you can find the developmental process and understand more about the production system.


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Bobby Chiu

Bobby Chiu on the right
"I'm an independent artist and teacher. Art has been my savior. It gives me freedom. Half the time I feel like I've already retired. I sleep when I want, I get up when I want, and I just do what I want all day: Art. What could be better than that?"
-Bobby Chiu-

For those of us who love art and know how to endure its preciousness, it becomes more personal to us. Hence we keep on drawing and collecting or even perhaps sharing, thus this gives us an opportunity to improve and understand more of what art has to offer and teach us. It is certainly not the easiest subject or skill to acquire, however it needs a great deal of consistency in order to reach to a high standard of quality. Regardless of standards, imagination is the real key or secret to a success.

I have been a great listener of Bobby Chiu's podcasts on YouTube and I have to say that this man is a real inspiration. If you love art, then you have to listen to his podcasts but it's not only about art that he talks about. He also talks about life, and how to improve yourself, how to promote yourself, how to change yourself and so on. His podcasts doesn't have specific titles or planned out scripts.

He talks naturally without any scripts and whilst he is talking he is also drawing and painting digitally. So it is a proof that he is not reading a script but rather just letting his mind divide in two and go with the flow. 

I highly recommend Bobby Chiu's podcasts and his own studio called Imaginism Studios, click on the below picture to go to their website.

Bobby Chiu recently worked as a Character Designer for Tim Burton's latest CG feature film Alice In Wonderland

Anyhow, here are some of his works and a link to his Podcasts. Enjoy and Good Luck!





Good Luck

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Perspective Drawings

Lately I have been practicing my perspective drawings and I am beginning to feel quite comfortable to take it to the next level. Perspective drawings are based on point based, such as 1, 2, 3, 5 points and so on. As the points increase it gets to the advanced stages, as it requires more accuracy.

Once you crack the code in understanding point based drawings, the possibilities are endless but only limited by your imaginations.

When you grasp the idea of how the perspective lines are drawn, they are literally stuck in your mind. Wherever you look, you start to see the lines and every building starts to make sense and become so much easier to draw if you ever wanted to. 

The below images are produced by advanced artists who use perspective drawings to greater length. In most cases this type of drawing system is used for architectural purposes because point based art provides sense of depth.

Sunday, 2 May 2010


There has been a change of circumstances in my life, however, I am excited to take control and thrive with passion towards a greater future in my interest areas.

I am dedicating this blog as a daily developmental process. I wish to include and provide all kinds of my personal works and some guidance to many of you guys who are in need of help to understand more about artistic things.  In this blog every resources that I use and everything that would help me would be included.
