Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Perspective Drawings

Lately I have been practicing my perspective drawings and I am beginning to feel quite comfortable to take it to the next level. Perspective drawings are based on point based, such as 1, 2, 3, 5 points and so on. As the points increase it gets to the advanced stages, as it requires more accuracy.

Once you crack the code in understanding point based drawings, the possibilities are endless but only limited by your imaginations.

When you grasp the idea of how the perspective lines are drawn, they are literally stuck in your mind. Wherever you look, you start to see the lines and every building starts to make sense and become so much easier to draw if you ever wanted to. 

The below images are produced by advanced artists who use perspective drawings to greater length. In most cases this type of drawing system is used for architectural purposes because point based art provides sense of depth.

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