Sunday, 20 June 2010

Pocket Game for Cadbury

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I have been a member on eYeka for couple of months and have received many emails of different competitions to compete in. I have finally decided to participate for the first time with eYeka for Cadbury's Pocket-Game competition. Please read on for further information about the contest.

Cadbury's needs your help to conceive THE new Cabdury pocket-game! They want you to invent a game that they can actually build and give away for people to play with anytime, anywhere.

Pocket-game is, simply, a game creation competition.

But not just any sort of game… a pocket-game.

A pocket-game doesn’t require technological wizardry, mobile reception, special glasses or anything else to make it playable… it’s an instant game in the palm of your hand, kept in your pocket.

Perhaps it’s a bit like a cross between the most amazing Christmas cracker game you’d ever find, that game you carried around everywhere when you were a kid and the joy of playing conkers or battling with spinning tops……but of course, it’s hard to tell exactly what it’s like as you’ve still got to invent the games.  You can use dices, normal cards or ones you make, you can innovate on existing mechanics or start from scratch ( harder but probably better to win;) . Be sure to be innovative and most of all, make it fun!

- Pictures, designs, sketches, drawings accepted
- Explain your concept on the same document: add some text!
- Games must be ‘pocket sized’ to qualify
- They must be for two or more players
- Submit your creation on one document / page

1st Prize: £3000
2nd Prize: £1000
1st to 10th Prize: (the shortlisted entries): a special goody bag from Cadbury

If you are interested and want to participate you would need to download the Official Brief, which you can acquire it from here that includes every information you would need and want.

Also don't forget to read the Guides and Rules before you submit the wrong type of game.

So Good Luck to whoever will be participating in this competition and look out for any updates about the progress with my version of pocket-game. ^_^

Peace !
Baja :-)

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